1846: Great famine in Ireland

August 18, 2009 at 12:34 pm (Uncategorized)

In 1846 there was a great famine in Ireland, because of a potato blight.

The British government didn’t take action so the famine led death, disease and emigration.

This was the cause that the number of habitans dropped from 8 millions to 6 millions.



Irina & Mareike (http://mareikegrest.wordpress.com)

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1973: Ireland joins the EEC

August 14, 2009 at 8:57 am (Uncategorized)


In 1973 Ireland, Britain and Denmark became the newest members of the EEC (European Economic Community, now EU). With them the numbers of memberstates were nine.

After difficulties in adapting they got money from the EU and that was the reason for a great economy boom in the 90th.

Ireland got the Nickname „Celtic Tiger“,  because they had a economic boom like the South East Asian States, which are called “ Tigerstates“.

 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_in_Ireland

written by Irina in cooperation with Mareike (http://mareikegrest.wordpress.com)

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